"ARIANE" is a Mac 26X Motor Sailer

Ariane (The Poem)

This Poem by Miguel Torga is the origin of the Boat Name


Ariane is a ship.
She as masts, sails and a flag in the bow,
And she came on a white, cold day,
On the river Tagus in Lisbon.

Filled with dreams, she anchored
Inside of the clarity of these bars…
A Swan of all ships, which was gone but has returned
Only to the eyes of one who is homesick.

There were two frigates that came to see
One such miracle as this: it was a ship
That floated there, waiting for me
Among the gulls that live on the river.

But I could not, even with my feet
Leave this imprisoned body,
And raise anchor, and fall into the arms
Of Ariane, the ship.

Written in 1940 by the Portuguese Poet Miguel Torga, while arrested by Salazar dictator in the Aljube Prison in Lisbon.

Aljube Jail - Lisbon, 1 Jan 1940

Instrument access cover

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aparelhei o barco da ilusão
E reforcei a fé no marinheiro.
Era longe o meu sonho, e traiçoeiro
O mar...
( Só nos é concedida
Esta vida
Que temos;
E é nela que é preciso
O velho paraíso
Que perdemos).

Prestes, larguei a vela
E disse adeus ao cais, à paz tolhida.
A revolta imensidão
Transforma dia a dia a embarcação
Numa errante e alada sepultura...
Mas corto as ondas sem desanimar.
Em qualquer aventura,
O que importa é partir, não é chegar.

Miguel Torga (Câmara ardente)